bottom 3?

After a couple of months, the most entertaining reality/talent show I've seen nears it's end. Three rockers will give their final pitches tomorrow to be chosen as the one right for the band INXS. My final thoughts on the three.
Mig - My sentimental favorite because of his Pinoy blood and because he is the most likeable person on the show. However, the latter reason may be his downfall. INXS and a lot others believe his being soft is not the rocker attitude that they are looking for. Talentwise, he's actually mediocre for me. He lacks edginess and spunk. But wait a minute, isn't INXS a "soft" band too? I knew some of their songs since high school, I really won't identify them with the hard rock bands that I listened to. So I guess Mig is a proper choice for them.
JD - I hate to admit it, but he's really good. If Mig loses this one, I hope he loses it to JD.
Marty - I don't want him for INXS. He's too good for INXS. I want him to have his own band and grow on his own. He will be a wasted talent once he joins the band. I must say he's not original but he can be big. This reasoning can actually be because of me being a 90s guy. And yes I love grunge!
Atari loses more money than analysts thought probable
Atari seems to have misplaced approximately $33 million in the three-month period ended June 30th.
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