groove grind getaway

representatives of the 6 "competitive" teams of the sportsfest

the fuSZion sports committee. finally it's over.
we had our company outing at the batangas country club last weekend. it was also the culminating activity of our sportsfest where i was one of the committee members. the fun games (ala amazing race, survivor) we prepared proved to be the deciding factor for the overall championship. the teams battled hard and in the end the most consistent team won it.
after the awarding ceremonies, most of the people stayed for the party while others had their own in their rooms. let's just say, i'm beginning to love my new company (or at least the people in it). they know how to have fun, play games and party hard. got a little tipsy saturday night. shots of vodka, gin, san mig light, dry and strong ice, whatever was on the table was drowned without hesitation. hehehe!

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