education for the poor

Sibol School at Marilao, Bulacan. A project of Gawad Kalinga and Meralco.
I believe that education is a key component in eliminating poverty and injustice in the world. Through education, the little people in our society can rise up on their own feet without fear of rejection and persecution. By giving them this basic need, their self worth and integrity is uplifted. This will help them face all the difficult challenges ahead and prove to everybody that they too can be successful in life.
When I saw the kids’ smiles as they first entered their new school, I felt two things-sadness and hope. Sadness on the fact that these little children have been deprived of a lot of the simple things in life. Things like a fairy tale story read to them, a clean toilet, and just the chance to be in school. Instead, at a young age, they had to stop schooling and start working. Work was usually spending the day in the river, picking up trash that can be recycled. Sometimes, we tend to question the government and yes even God. Why is there so much injustice in this world? Why all the suffering? Filipinos are supposed to be loving citizens. But why this? But then you see groups like Gawad Kalinga and companies like Meralco who instead of questioning and waiting, brought their resources together and gave hope to this part of the Philippines.
In many ways, a revolution is happening in many parts of the Philippines-people from different backgrounds joining together and telling everyone that there is still a chance for this country. You see Christians and Muslims, administration and opposition politicians, rich and poor people, business competitors, young and old. It doesn’t matter who you are, as long as you are brave enough to say “ENOUGH!” you are welcome in Gawad Kalinga.
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