not again

Everybody knows what the news was last thursday and friday- it was another super typhoon punishing most of bicol and its nearby provinces. Since I was always out, I didn't know how destructive it was until Saturday night when I got to watch the horrifying scenes captured by Jessica Soho's team. I couldn't believe it. Just a few months after typhoon Milenyo, and here's another one. The frequency and the strength of these typhoons keeps on increasing year after year. I just don't know why people are still saying that climate change is not the reason for these disturbing weather conditions.
The death toll is fast rising but many who died may never be found considering the amount of lahar that buried the villages. We can point fingers at each other like what some of the mayors have been doing now. But that won't bring back anything. I'm not saying we should not dig deeper on the possible causes of the flash flood. Right now, we should just focus our attention on retrieval or possibly rescue. But the bigger focus must be given to the survivors who lost their loved ones, their houses and their livelihood. Trying to lessen their pain and helping them build their lives again, that's a fine Christmas gift for them.
Anyone who reads this and has an idea where to bring donations to the flood victims, please post a comment. Thanks and God bless the Philippines!