Twisted Grooves: November 2007

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

why not?

The WhyNot? Forum, according to founders Mark Ruiz and Bam Aquino, is a "smorgasboard of great, brave ideas—an open-source innovation soup that will hopefully inspire other Filipinos all over to connect adjunct thoughts, take impactful action, and weave together new breakthrough ideas." Inspired by the TEDTalks of the United States (, it is based on the simple idea of gathering some of the best minds in the country to share their respective ideas for 15 minutes each. By asking The Question and challenging outmoded assumptions, it is hoped that WhyNot? Forum will spark a thought revolution that will encourage people to "think new thoughts, share big dreams, do brave things." - why not forum

GANG BADOY of rocked philippines-one of my idol speakers. listen to her one great idea. visit also other short to talks at why not forum

alternative educator part 1

alternative educator part 2