Twisted Grooves: May 2008

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Caramoan Peninsula 2003

It looks like our little secret is out. I got a chance to visit these island 5 years ago with my mountaineer friends. Back then, it was relatively unknown except for a small entry in Lonely Planet which we used to get to this place. Now, with the latest news about Caramoan being the site of the latest Survivor France and plans of Hollywood movies being shot there, everyone seems to be getting interested on this place. I just hope the provincial government and the tourism authorities who will facilitate its development make sure that it is a sustainable one.

I'm reposting here an old entry I had on another website.

May 23-25, 2003

The remotest places usually offers us travelers the grandest adventures.

Enduring 9 hours on a bus, another on a van, another on a bangka, a jeepney ride and finally a 2 kilometer hike, we finally arrived at our destination. Crystal clear waters, powdery white sand, amazing limestone formations, secret lagoons, bat-filled caves, pesky jellyfishes and the friendliest people you'll ever meet. This is the Caramoan Peninsula in Camarines Sur. One of the less traveled destinations of Bicol. It is a travel destination where you won't hear blaring hip-hop beats or find large corporate posters-a rare scene these days. This place offers you a semi-castaway experience-you sleep on a tent, buy food from the fishermen's daily catch, cook them then eat on banana leaves "kamayan" style.

Some sad note though. The old harmful fishing practices took a toll on these seas. As evident on the lack of live corals around. The deterioration may continue as unsustainable development comes in. Though after speaking with the local barangay officials, my pessimistic mind was somewhat changed. They expressed concern and the desire to preserve the natural beauty of the peninsula. They truly care for their treasures but they need outside help. Not from the greedy politicians nor the moneymaking travel agents, but from people who genuinely believes that this earth is worth saving.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

laiya coco grove

i just got back from another beach outing.  this time we went to laiya coco grove in san juan, batangas.  here are some pics from my ixus point and shoot.